Each member will enter their access code on the door key pad, the computer database will verify your membership, if your membership is current it will release the magnetic door lock allowing your entry. Your personalized access code is your only means of access during unstaffed hours. The door will lock after 8 seconds. When you have finished your training, you will exit by pressing and holding the green button while opening the door.
24/7 operates under a 24-hour integrated access recorded video surveillance system. Members should use normal caution entering and exciting the facility. For members comfort and safety there is an emergency 911-call button in the facility.
No. 24/7 access is available to adults only. You must be 18 years of age to have access. Parents may bring children 14 -17 (if they are member). NO CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED DURING UNSTAFFED HOURS.
Mon – Thurs 8:00am – 8:00pm
Fridays 8:00am – 6:00pm
No. Guest are limited to staffed hours only. If you allow entry of any other person, by opening the door or sharing your personal access code your membership will be cancelled, all money will be forfeited and charges could be filed.
If for some reason your access code does not work, please call or come by the Club during regular staffed ours. (Reasons why your code could be denied: declined monthly dues, membership has expired, credit card expiration on draft.)
Yes. Southeast Texas Health Club will provide individuals with an orientation during regular staffed hours.